Wear the school uniform with pride.
Take advantage of every opportunity to
Show school Spirit, House Spirit while
participating in the school activities.
Move quickly and quietly from class to
class without creating any noise or disturbance to other classes.
Bring text books & note books according
to the time table.
Do not leave the school without the
written permission of the principal.
Maintain silence in the library.
Keep your classroom, school & the
campus neat and tidy.
Make necessary arrangements to stay
back after school hours to participate in academic, sports and co-curricular
activities whenever required.
Take care of the school property and
report immediately if there is any damage.
Do not bring objectionable books,
magazines or periodicals to the school, Bringing in the transistors, video
games, CDs', mobile homes, pagers and other electronic gadgets are
Do not meet any visitor in the school
without the written permission or the principal.
Do not use unfair means during exams.
Such a conduct is unworthy of a good student.
Students are not permitted to use the
school telephone except in emergency and that too with the principal's
Pupils should obey house prefects,
class monitors and other appointments on duty.
“School is judged by the discipline and conduct
of its students”. So the pupils must be disciplined, polite and courteous.